Competition organiser

Aeroklub Tábor, z.s.
P.O.Box 30
391 02 Sezimovo Ústí II

Phone: (+420) 381 263 264
Mobile: (+420) 724 257 769
Email: [email protected]

Bank Transfer Details

Name of bank: Raiffeisenbank, a.s.; Address: Bílkova 960, Tábor, 390 02, Czech Republic

Account No: 701624369/5500

IBAN: CZ50 5500 0000 0007 0162 4369, BIC (SWIFT): RZBCCZPP

Reference: Forename, Surname, Date of Birth

Competition Staff

Contact details of competition staff will be published before the competition. For now please direct your inquiries to: [email protected]